Weekend recap....
A good weekend, even though it consisted of much too much eating and not enough riding. Ended up skipping my roller work Friday that I had planned...thinking I would squeeze it in on Saturday, which didn't happen. It's the first time I skipped riding on consecutive days since I started back riding 9 weeks ago...figured the legs deserved a little break even though I've just been riding relatively easy base miles.
Really enjoyed the Christmas party at my mom's Saturday night but I'm afraid I didn't do real well at following all the good advice offered in the Carmichael article. Had a nice cycling contingent at the party and enough Cheaha horror stories were told to get everyone thinking about starting training for this May. Somehow Amy has pulled the hat trick and has produced a valid Cheaha excuse for the third year running.
Donna and Byron crashed at our house instead of making the drive back to Breaux Bridge in the rainy weather. We woke up, had a nice visit and Char cooked us a slamming breakfast. Donna and Byron were headed off Christmas shopping so it was at this point that I planned the perfect day (nap....bike ride...nap), which I almost pulled off. Caught a good nap and Char and I headed out about 1:00 to the Mobil at 30/74. So much for feeling good after a couple of days off, I was flat and pedaling squares and the wind was not cooperating so we decided to cut it a little short and just went as far as Yousef. Skipped the second nap and headed down the road to eat more of the party food, which I had already eaten too much of the night before....
On another note, if you haven't seen it yet, check out the following story written by a Cat 3 rider who had the opportunity to take a training ride with Discovery...pretty interesting...
Nice call there on Amy's hat trick, as of this morning she is 100% undecided on the ride. :)
I enjoyed the article on paceline.com, my favorite was the part about these little guys pushing such big gears.
The open house was a blast, thanks dude.
Nice Cheaha countdown! i can see the ride profile, but the link just goes to your hosting site. I wanted to relive the pain.
Problem taken care of...
As always, the Cheaha link will take you to their main page. Now...the profile will take you to their profile page. I even threw in some personalized text for you when you place your cursor on the profile...
saturday ride is in the works
BBT is in town, plus his buddy Jeff is also in town with bike, we had a couple of notes about a saturday ride on djwhitebread. don't know the time or details yet, checking people's schedules. amy is going on a group run/breakfast so i might be on baby duty. details are developing. ru riding friday?
probably going to be mid-morning or afternoon, haven't decided yet.
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