Friday, December 16, 2005


Thank God it's Friday!
Friday's are always "all good", not only is there the weekend to look forward to...It's also, albeit unofficial, jean day at work...Which as far as I'm concerned...runs a close second to a 4 day work week. Not to mention the work week is ending on a high note. I finally got our Trend Micro (anti-virus and anti-spam software) renewed, updated and working properly. This means come Monday not only will I not have 300 junk emails in my Inbox, I'll also be spared additional emails from users who feel it necessary to give me a daily count on how many junk emails they've received.

Won't be riding tomorrow...I have a funeral in the morning for my Uncle Allen who lost a long battle with cancer and an open house Christmas party at my Mom's tomorrow night (kind-of a strange combination when you think about it). Anyway, judging by the forecast it's just as well that tomorrow is a no ride day...80% chance of rain, OUCH!

Sunday on the other hand looks much more promising, a little on the cold side - but dry. Even though I complain about the cold, as long as it's dry, I can deal with it. On the other hand, cold and wet, NO THANKS! Any takers?


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