Word Art!
SuperDave commenting that he should charge me for the quality of his most recent comment concerning Cheaha brought back fond memories of this truly classic email from Dave.
The following email was received from David shortly after I took possession of my moots...to date it remains the best description of how I feel about my ride....
i can only assume that no written report on the first ride of the
Moots means that it's ride is sublime beyond words
that to qualify the ride quality of your new steed with crude
collections of man-made scribblings would denotate emotions in a way
akin to perhaps cave paintings in primeval days
and to stoop so low as to explain the quality of this bicycle in mere
words would be wrong, nay a disgrace, an evil so heinous that it would
require you to make a pilgrimage on foot to Steamboat Springs, wearing
nothing but sack cloth and your cycling cleats to appease the gods who
bent down and lit the welding torch and guided the hand of the master
craftsman who produced this latest Robert ride
i understand
i know it must be the greatest ride of all time
damn i'm good
I'm so impressed, the more I think about it...Amy had to have some involvement! I mean, isn't she the real writer in the family?
Lets face it, while you talk about getting paid for it...she actually does :) :) :)
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