Back on the road again...
Wow! Not sure exactly why...laziness, weather, or some other lame excuse but it had been over 3 weeks since my last ride on the road before today, February 4th to be exact. Char and I did the new "slightly adjusted" Yousef route; basically it's 2 to 3 miles longer and adds a one mile stretch on a dangerous road which eliminates about six miles of shitty road surface on another. Seems like a pretty good trade, at least until I get hit :)...Hope I didn't just jinx myself. Anyway, it was windy and a little chilly but a beautiful Sunny day for a ride. The first 3/4 of the ride was basically easy and uneventful; the last 1/4 I was dying! Not sure if it was more of a side stitch or stomach cramp thing or what, just know it hurt like hell and nothing seemed to help.
On an Olympic note: Caught the 50km Free Style tonight...Pretty impressive, a group sprint after 31 miles of skiing. Have to give my "least expected/most enjoyed event" award to Curling (Hands-down)...Never would have thought it, but thoroughly enjoyed watching it! Most confusing moment has to be tonight during the closing ceremonies when they performed to the song "YMCA"...go figure!
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