Saturday, January 21, 2006

Life's not Fair...(but, who ever said it was?)

Working for a Sheriff that's a good boss and concerned about the "wellness" of his employees has a few perks. In addition to free flu shots at work and annual blood work the Sheriff decided to provide those of us over the age of 40 with a Cardiac CT - for Calcium Scoring. Basically it's a 10 min, non-invasive procedure that takes pictures of your heart and assigns a score, which throws you into one of five categories...

Calcium Score........Pressence of Plaque
0.....................................No evidence of plaque
1-10...............................Minimal evidence of plaque
11-100.......................... Mild evidence of plaque
101-400........................ Moderate evidence of plaque
Over 400......................Extensive evidence of plaque

Anyway, in keeping with recent blog themes of "Why do bad things happen to mediocre people?" and "Crap Sandwich Month"...I scored a 23 and have been advised to see a cardiologist. This after watching co-worker after co-worker most of who live sedentary life styles, smoke, and carry around an extra 20 to 80 pounds score "0" consistently. GENETICS SUCK!


At 21/1/06 21:22, Blogger Marcy said...

It sucks getting old!



At 22/1/06 18:10, Blogger David Alexander said...

You probably are in the top 1% in the area for hours of cardio work, what the hell is this?

Just goes to prove my crap sandwich point.


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