Tentatively...339 days and counting...
For those with a busy life and a full calendar...
Mark this date...May 06, 2007 as our next date with the mountain we LOVE to HATE...Cheaha!
**NOTE: This date is tentative and won't be official until sometime in July after the NASCAR race schedule for the Talladega Motor Speedway is officially released.
While I realize most don't require this much advanced notice...Nixon, a.k.a. "BUCKEYE" had inquired and I wanted to make sure there were no excuses for next year.
Eric...mark your calendar...I think you can take this race.
However, if SuperDave manages to avoid serious bodily injury on his upcoming Mountain Biking Adventure and drops that 50 pounds he was talking about...smart money may be on him.
Or, his Mountain Biking Adventure could be a mere tool in order to obtain "serious bodily injury" (i.e. another wired jaw)...thus making his second goal of dropping 50 pounds easier to obtain. The possibilities are endless...what that guy won't do to win..CRAZY! :)
I'm also contacting the Piedmont Chamber of commerce, their mayor, and all city council members concerning the possibility of relocating their fire station so that we might be able to get more than 20 miles out of Cody next year! :)
the comment about the fire station made me laugh out loud!
Oh, Cody, if you read this... my wife's family apparently knows you.
If you can get them to replace the fire station with a police station I'm in!
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